Our current political, economic and ecological systems are at an edge, in a process of deep transformation. There is uncertainty at a planetary level as to where we are heading. We are in the space of the unknown -- a space we have come to lovingly identify as liminality⁴¹. In this liminal stage, the human collective stands at the threshold. We seem torn between previous and emerging ways of structuring identity, time, and community, with only one thing we know for granted: systemic change is inevitable.⁴²
It is time we embrace the liminality in which we are living⁴³. We arrived at a point where it is less safe to resist change and continue clinging to the illusion of control than to risk our hard-earned status and assets in order to learn to deal with the unknown. That is scary! And uncomfortable.
to travel through this liminal phase into a new paradigm means we can no longer blindly reference the tools and approaches we have used so far to navigate the world. concrete plans are becoming obsolete as we do not know where exactly we are heading. management struggles when no single person or even team has the full overview any longer. hierarchy becomes superfluous when decisions reach levels of complexity that can only be solved if the collective intelligence of everyone involved gets unleashed. as a generation, we feel we must trust even more in our inner compass as we are challenged to bring forth a mindset, which is at first, invisible to the eye. from this hunch, a set of powerful design principles emerge.
we recognise the importance of both, ancestral wisdom traditions and modern science in exploring our uncertain futures. we intend to recuperate our identities and mythologies in ways that recognize othering and foster belonging across time and space. future generations, rivers and quarks have an equal say at our gatherings.
we want to go to the edges, to the underground, to the outliers and the forbidden, because that is where we are most likely to discover what we are too comfortable to see. we partner with the leading researchers on topics such as death, sexuality, power, faith, wealth and extraordinary states of consciousness, to explore the unexpected rabbit holes to system transformation.
how we run the UFI is in alignment with how we hold space for others: full of care, kindness and celebration of how complementary we are. it’s not balance that we seek, but the honoring of the process of balancing. in this process we are inspired by ‘suma qamaña’ a sacred concept in aymara that has many meanings, e.g. to live well, to know how to live, when inner equilibrium meets outer harmony.
see our homepage under ‘core elements’ for more details, as well as on ‘personal, collective and system transformation’ which underlies all principles. like all of the UFI, this is play in progress and we look forward to deepen our inquiry into the essence that guides our self-organized mycelium with our co-creation partners over the months and years to come. May the map emerge a bit more clearly with each step we take.
2016 - 2022
Opening Ceremony
Initial design team for MVP 1.0 now online at uncertainfutures.cc
june - dec
Weaving of critical connections
Initial funding and resourcing outreach to secure $6MM in funding for kicking off cohort 1
KICK OFF as soon as initial funding is secured
jan - mar
Conclusion of initial funding round for kicking off cohort 1 and the UFI
Composition of Base Team
Ongoing documentation, Storytelling and Movement-Building
Composition of Wisdom and Youth Council
Initiate Donor and investor engagement
Design of initial implementation strategy for Cohort 1
apr - june
Co-Design of the UFI 1.0, its theory of system transformation and co-creation eco-system
Mapping and design of the Co-Creation Eco-System
Call for applications and selection of participants for Cohort 1
Co-Design of the Measurement, Evaluation and Learning System
Begin funding and resourcing outreach to secure $8MM in funding for kicking off cohorts 2 & 3.
Entering the Void
Re-emerging from the Void
sept - nov
Launch of Cohort 1 with Retreat 1 at Naku, Ecuador
Call for applications and selection of participants for Cohorts 2 & 3
Measurement, Evaluation and Research turned into Adaptive Learning System
Funding and resourcing outreach to secure $7.2MM in funding for kicking off cohorts 4 & 5
Entering the Void
re-emerging from the void
feb - may
First in person Co-Creation Eco-System gathering
Call for applications and selection of participants for Cohorts 4 & 5
Launch of Cohorts 2 & 3 with their Retreat 1, and Retreat 2 for Cohort 1
Entering the Void
Re-emerging from the Void
sept - nov
Second in person Co-Creation Eco-System gathering
Launch of Cohorts 4 & 5 with their Retreat 1
Retreat 2 for Cohort 2 & 3
Retreat 3 for Cohort 1
Entering the Void
re-emerging from the void
Third in person Co-Creation Eco-System gathering
Retreat 2 for Cohorts 4 & 5, Retreat 3 for Cohort 2 & 3, Retreat 4 for Cohort 1
apr - ongoing
Launch of the Transformation-Systems Lab, supporting and promoting the T-System initiatives of the cohorts across and beyond our co-creation eco-system.
entering into the Void
sep - nov
re-emerge from the void
Fourth in person Co-Creation Eco-System gathering
Retreat 3 for Cohorts 4 & 5, Retreat 4 for Cohort 2 & 3, Retreat 5 for Cohort 1
Entering the Void
Fifth in person Co-Creation Eco-System gathering
Retreat 4 for Cohorts 4 & 5, Retreat 5 for Cohort 2 & 3, Retreat 6 for Cohort 1
Entering into the Void
re-emerge from the void
Retreat 5 for Cohorts 4 & 5 Retreat 6 for Cohort 2 & 3
Entering the Void
Retreat 6 for Cohorts 4 & 5
Closing Ceremony
Entering the Void